France has many tourist places, but one of the favorite places is the padlock bridge in Paris. The legends of love are old. The history of the Paris Padlock Bridge, takes us back to a recent legend, this is a bridge where all lovers go to put the lock with their lovers.This is my favorite place because I find it interesting that couples put locks on a They can tell that they will never be separated, there are thousands of padlocks.The Paris bridge to which the lovers will put the padlocks is called Léopold Sédar Senghor Catwalk (also known as Solferino Catwalk). It is right in front of the D'Orsay Museum, or the so-called Museum of Impressionist painters. When you see a rectangle, after writing your name on the padlock, you have to throw the key in the river.

All padlocks are many colors, cute, they say that if you throw the key your love will be kept at the bottom of the water, there they keep promises of love and love will never end.

THANK YOU.... :3


  1. Omg, it was so amazing and interesting about France <3

  2. this is an incredible blog, I would like to go to France

  3. I want go, its beautiful this place, ineteresting:3

  4. looks like a good place i should visit

  5. Wow, I find your blog very interesting.

  6. wow very good information hey interesting


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