How has quarantine changed our lives?


Quarantine has affected us in many ways, but this depends on the point of view of each person, but our  has been affected by unemployment, since there are people who work from day to day and today have no To eat

It affects our social life because we do not have interpesonal relationships with other people, even with our own family, non-communication can affect the person's mood, increase stress or can also produce feelings of depersonalization. What the government is doing is distributing a large number of markets, but what they are doing, they are stealing money and that is not justifiable, we should not play with that there are many people in need, those of state just for sitting and not to work they are paying a sum of money, on the other hand, people who work humbly are the ones who carry the worst, they also affect health services, since For example, at this time we must take care of many accidents, since if you go to a clinic because an arm fracture was made, they will not understand it immediately since it is better for prevention than being infected, among other factors.Care is a social responsibility, today more than ever we understand it. It is not the sole task of women, it is everyone's responsibility, everyone's, ”

Yesterday broke the record for the television consumption season on Thursday, with an average of 236 minutes per individual (linear, with guests). All targets by sex and age increase the time they spend in front of the television influenced by the measures against #Coronavirus.

"Staying hooked on television to be constantly informed of new news about the coronavirus can become an obsession and cause fragility and vulnerability."

The consequences of staying hooked daily in front of the television can cause a drop in defenses, promote a sedentary lifestyle, an increase in cholesterol and obesity, a feeling of depression, loneliness or tired eyes among other pathologies.

It is true that the effect of quarantine depends a lot on the person and the activities or hobbies they have. For example, a person interested in reading, music, or movies will be able to pass the hours more easily than a person accustomed to frequent social relationships. In this case, using digital tools to make video calls is something that experts do recommend to avoid social isolation.

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